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Combination of smart bicycle locks and the Internet era

Omni Original 2023-04-14 16:50:58

  As early as a few years ago,the"last mile of green travel"had undergone a qualitative change unknowingly,becoming"the most troublesome mile in the city".With this remark,there is a wave of sharing bicycles.Whether it is ride sharing companies or local government authorities,they all need to move forward under tremendous pressure.But in fact,the application of Internet of Things technology to smart bike lock has long been"familiar",and it is not difficult to use technical means to make up for the loopholes in the operations of sharing bicycles.


smart bike lock


       The great tool fo bicycle sharing industry

  The parking beacon used by the staff to control the parking chaos of sharing bicycles in the jurisdiction can send a signal to each bicycle,that is,when the bicycle receives the no-parking signal,its lock cannot be locked,and when the vehicle receives the parking signal,it cannot be locked.Only after the signal,can the lock be successfully locked.

  A small public bicycle sharing system has solved the serious problems of both ride sharing companies and government regulators,and created huge value.

  As a major area that cannot be ignored in future urban transportation,smart bike lock has always attracted the attention of the Internet of Things industry.At present,China has nearly 400 million bicycles and nearly 300 million electric bicycles.According to the current development speed of the shared two-wheeler industry and the assessment of the needs of China's total population,the total number of sharing bicycles is expected to reach 30 million in the future.


public bicycle sharing system


       How do users think about ride sharing companies? 

  For a long time,users'attitude towards bike sharing companies has been that"they are just profit-seeking but ineffective businessmen";and the relevant government departments are the first to be held accountable for issues such as"invasion"of public space by sharing bicycles.It will lead to relevant departments having to limit the number and scope of operators'bicycle operations.


bicycle sharing system


  For the coming of smart bike lock,as a provider of commercial services,the biggest difficulty is not these,but the difficulty of finding and using a vehicle for users every time,making users lose confidence in the brand,which leads to users'frustration Loss,such a cycle causes loss of profit in the operation of shared bicycles,and ultimately fails to complete the closed loop of the business model.