Ofo will enter into Paris Market and compete with many bicycle sharing corporations for market share
2017-10-27 18:06:49
According to foreign media reports, China shared bicycle operators ofo will be planed to enter the Paris market.

ofo will compete with the Paris Velib shared bicycle service. Ofo is mainly a non-pile-sharing bicycle travel platform, creating a "pile-free cycling sharing" model. Unlike Velcro bicycles, Velib bicycles must be parked in the parking lot. Velib has 24,000 bikes and 1,800 berths, each of which is 300 meters away.
Gobee.bike, a start-up company in Hong Kong, has put dozens of pile-free bikes in the city center of Paris in the beginning of this month. Gobee bike and ofo use the same smart sharing bike locks,which are equipped with GPS system, the user can track through the mobile APP to cycling.The bicyle quantity to be lanched in Paris by OfO will be increased to thousands in the near months.

Laurent Kennel,ofo general manager of France, said to foreign media, "ofo is ready to do business in Paris, is expected to enter into Paris Market in the end of this year or the early next year, may be more earlier.”

ofo will compete with the Paris Velib shared bicycle service. Ofo is mainly a non-pile-sharing bicycle travel platform, creating a "pile-free cycling sharing" model. Unlike Velcro bicycles, Velib bicycles must be parked in the parking lot. Velib has 24,000 bikes and 1,800 berths, each of which is 300 meters away.
Gobee.bike, a start-up company in Hong Kong, has put dozens of pile-free bikes in the city center of Paris in the beginning of this month. Gobee bike and ofo use the same smart sharing bike locks,which are equipped with GPS system, the user can track through the mobile APP to cycling.The bicyle quantity to be lanched in Paris by OfO will be increased to thousands in the near months.

ofo company valued at more than $ 1 billion, and a new round of financing is underway. The company plans to put 20 million bikes in 200 cities of 20 countries by the end of the year.The presence of overseas markets will expand will be expanded from London, Singapore, etc. to more than 20 countries.
Bike sharing as one of the most economical way to travel, has gradually become the first choice for people to travel in a short distances. Omni sharing bicycle lock, a smart lock for sharing, make the “no piles” sharing bike to facilitate more people!
Bike sharing as one of the most economical way to travel, has gradually become the first choice for people to travel in a short distances. Omni sharing bicycle lock, a smart lock for sharing, make the “no piles” sharing bike to facilitate more people!